Python Certification Training


Python is one of the most time-tested, flexible and reliable open-source languages which is easy to learn and use. Python also has efficient and powerful libraries for analysis and data manipulation. For specialized computing, Python is used in varying domains such as oil and gas, finance, Physics and many more. The inbuilt debugger in Python makes debugging a relatively effortless task. The usage of Python increases programmer productivity and also improves the end programs greatly. With Python, one will be able to master web and game development and gain a strong foothold as a programmer in the IT domain. On successful completion of Python training always assures a job in Big Data Hadoop environment for relatively higher salaries.

Did you know?

1. Python’s design and libraries provide 10X productivity when compared to C, C++, or Java.
2. Python is one of the most popular object-oriented languages available and can be learnt fast and deployed easily. It can run on different platforms such as Mac OS, Windows and Unix/Linux making it highly suitable for the Data Analytics domain.
3. Python is free to use for all commercial products, due to its OSI-approved open-source license.
4. Python has evolved as the most preferred language for Data Analytics in the current IT marketplace and analysing the current and recent search trends on Python indicate that Python is the next major innovation and is a must for Data Analytics Professionals.

Why learn and get certified in Python?

1. According to the leading global job portal, a senior Python Developer in the United States can command a salary of up to $102,000.
2. Python has the largest year-on-year job demand growth rate at 19% as most of the companies like Google, Yahoo!, Disney, Nokia and IBM uses Python.
3. Programmers across the world prefer Python because of its speed and ease of use. Python is so efficient in application that it reduces development time to half due to its simple and easy to read syntax and effortless compilation feature.
4. According to HackerRank, which provides a competitive platform for coders, out of a total of 38 programming languages worldwide, 13.95% of all code submitted was in Python.

Course Objective
After the completion of this course, Trainee will:

1. Master the basic and advanced concepts of Python
2. Learn about File and Sequence Operations
3. Understand Python scripts on Unix/Windows, Python editors and IDEs
4. Learn about the significance and installation
5. Learn how to use and create functions, sorting different elements, Lambda function, error and exception handling techniques and Regular expressions using modules in Python
6. Understand Socket programming by working on real-time projects such as FAQ Chat Application and Port Scanning Software
7. Learn working with MySQL database by installing MySQL-server, creating database and connecting MySQL and Python
8. Master Python Frameworks such as DJANGO and FLASK


1. Prior programming experience is desirable but not necessary along with familiarity with basic concepts like variables and scope, functions and flow control
2. Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts is preferred but not mandatory

Prepare for Certification

Our training and certification program gives you a solid understanding of the key topics covered on the Oreilly’s Python Certification. In addition to boosting your income potential, getting certified in Python demonstrates your knowledge of the skills necessary to be a successful Python Developer. The certification validates your ability to produce reliable, high-quality results with increased efficiency and consistency.

Unit 1 – Introduction
  1. Understanding the Open Source
    1. Installation of Python in Linux/window
    2. Understanding Interpreters
      1. ipython
      2. bpython
    3. Getting started with Python
    4. Getting to understand Help
      1. Exploring the Objects
  2. Setting up the IDE and various IDEs (Integrated Development Environment)
    1. Setting up using the PEP-8
      1. Indentation
      2. Tabs or spaces
      3. Maximum line length
      4. Blank lines
      5. Source file Encoding
    2. Creating the first Python Program
      1. Understanding sha-bang
      2. Understanding the .py extension
    3. How to run the python programs
Unit 2 – Types and Operators
  1. Type casting in Python
  2. Various ways of Printing
  3. Boolean Operators
  4. Playing with Numbers
  5. Playing with Strings
    1. String Quotes
    2. Raw Strings
  6. Docstring & Comments
  7. Accepting Inputs
Unit 3 – Control Statements
  1. Conditional Statements
    1. Introduction
    2. Boolean Expressions
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Using If Condition
    5. Pass
    6. Applying PEP-8 Standards
  2. Looping Statements
    1. for
    2. while
    3. range
    4. break
    5. Pass
    6. continue
Unit 4 – Lists
  1. What are Lists?
    1. Mutable Lists
    2. In Operator
    3. Traversing a List
    4. List Operations
    5. Indexing
    6. Slicing
    7. Converting a List to String
    8. Converting a String to List
    9. Aliasing in Lists
    10. Functions in Lists
Unit 5 – Tuples
  1. What is Tuples?
    1. Indexing in Tuples
    2. Slicing in Tuples
    3. Immutable Tuples
    4. Packing and Unpacking
    5. Lists and Tuples
    6. Functions in Tuples
Unit 6 – Dictionaries
  1. What are Dictionaries?
    1. Keys and Values
    2. In Operator
    3. Looping in Dictionaries
    4. Lookups in Dictionaries
    5. Dictionaries and Tuples
    6. Functions in Dictionaries
    7. Dictionaries vs Sets
Unit 7 – Functions
  1. Function Basics
    1. Scope rules in Functions
      1. Global Scope
      2. Local Scope
      3. Locals
      4. Globals
      5. Global
  2. Understanding the Return Keyword
    1. Argument Passing
      1. Default Argument List
      2. Keyword Arguments
  3. Understanding the Docstrings
    1. List Comprehensions
    2. Lambda, Map and Filters
  4. Understanding the Closures
    1. Decorators
Unit 8 – Modules
  1. What are Modules?
    1. Understanding the Namespaces
    2. Various ways of Importing
    3. "reload" Operation
    4. understanding about sys.path
    5. dir() Function
    6. Understand the __main__ and __name__
  2. operation
    1. Installation of a module
    2. Understanding the virtualenv
    3. Packaging a module
    4. Packages
Unit 9 – Files
  1. Fancier Output Formatting
  2. Reading and Writing Files
  3. Methods of File Objects
    1. Reading
    2. Writing
    3. Modify
  4. Buffering in files
  5. Parsing a xml files
  6. Parsing a xls files
  7. Pickles
  8. Output using Pickle
  9. Introduction to Subprocess, os
Unit 10 – Exceptions
  1. What are Exceptions
  2. Simulating Errors
    1. Various types of Exceptions
    2. Exception Handling - try,except,else,finally
    3. Trapping Errors
    4. Raising Exceptions
    5. Customized Exceptions
Unit 11 – Regular Expressions
  1. Understanding the Regular Expressions
    1. Getting Started
    2. Compiling a Pattern
    3. Flags - ignorecase, dotall
    4. Working with Multiple Flags
    5. Search vs Match
    6. Raw String Notations
    7. Special Characters
      1. Globbling Characters
      2. Anchors
      3. Character Sets
    8. Grouping
Unit 12 – Debugging
  1. Introduction to Debugging
    1. Debugging using IDE
  2. Various modes to get to pdb
    1. Script mode, Enhanced Script mode
    2. Post Mortem mode
    3. Run mode
    4. Trace mode
  3. Playing with the Trace mode
    1. Listing
    2. Step, next
    3. Continue, break
    4. Printing variables
    5. Assigning values
    6. Restart and return
    7. Where, stacks, breakpoints
    8. Repeat
Unit 12 – Debugging
  1. Introduction to Debugging
    1. Debugging using IDE
  2. Various modes to get to pdb
    1. Script mode, Enhanced Script mode
    2. Post Mortem mode
    3. Run mode
    4. Trace mode
  3. Playing with the Trace mode
    1. Listing
    2. Step, next
    3. Continue, break
    4. Printing variables
    5. Assigning values
    6. Restart and return
    7. Where, stacks, breakpoints
    8. Repeat
Unit 13 – Classes
  1. OOP: What is Object Oriented Programming
  2. Understanding the Classes in Python
  3. Let's create a Bank Account
  4. Using the Class Statement
    1. Methods in Classes
      1. Constructor
      2. Magic Methods
    2. Understanding Inheritance
  5. Understanding Polymorphism
  6. Understanding Encapsulation
    1. Operator Overloading
Unit 14 – Socket Programming
  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Basics
    1. Routing
    2. Protocols - udp & tcp
  3. Working with Sockets
    1. How to connect to Server
    2. Connect on Port
    3. Sending Data
    4. Receiving Data
    5. How to close the socket
  4. Programming a Socket Server
    1. Bind a Socket
    2. Listen to incoming Connections
    3. Accept Connections
    4. Live Server
    5. Handing Connections
    6. Thread Class
    7. Thread Library
    8. Thread Pool
    9. Task Thread
    10. Multiprocessing
  5. Demo: Common Chat Application
  6. Demo: FAQ Chat Application
  7. Demo - Port Scanning Software
Unit 15 – Socket Programming
  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Basics
    1. Routing
    2. Protocols - udp & tcp
  3. Working with Sockets
    1. How to connect to Server
    2. Connect on Port
    3. Sending Data
    4. Receiving Data
    5. How to close the socket
  4. Programming a Socket Server
    1. Bind a Socket
    2. Listen to incoming Connections
    3. Accept Connections
    4. Live Server
    5. Handing Connections
    6. Thread Class
    7. Thread Library
    8. Thread Pool
    9. Task Thread
    10. Multiprocessing
  5. Demo: Common Chat Application
  6. Demo: FAQ Chat Application
  7. Demo - Port Scanning Software
Unit 16 – Database Connectivity
  1. Introduction
    1. Working with mysql Databases
      1. How to install mysql-server
      2. How to know what modules to install
      3. Creating a Database
      4. Creation of the user and giving grants
      5. Granting access to the Users
      6. Connecting mysql and python
    2. Python and Mysql
      1. Creating and populating a table
      2. Retrieving data
      3. Dictionary cursors
      4. Column headers
  2. Integration with various databases ( Mariadb, oracle)
  3. Introduction to ORM and sqlalchemy